Our influence on nature

In this exercise you will be presented with a sentence based on the text which contains a missing word. At the end of the sentence you will see a word in italics which, though not the exact word, will help you fill the gap. 


1. As the population of the world gets more raw materials will be needed. big

2. Increase in the amount of pollution produced globally corresponds with the increase in waste materials. exact

3. Resources like fossil fuels, metals and minerals will eventually be completely up. use

4. The future of the planet will rely very much on the way in which we recycle waste materials. develop

5. It may already be too late to reverse some of the changes that affected the environment. has

6. It is necessary that we the amount of raw materials that we consume. reduction

7. As a species, humankind is very . wastefully

8. Although there have international summit meetings about global warming, we continue to pollute the atmosphere. is

9. Energy needs to be both in the workplace and at home. save

10. Wave power is a possible source of energy that will never out. ran

11. Some of the UK's power needs are by windmills. meet

12. We can all make a difference if we . tried

13. Many economies like India and China should restrict their consumption of fossil fuels. emerge

14. Extra money for scientific research is essential to find alternative ways to power our society. fund

15. The effect humankind is having on the environment may alter the way successive generations live in the future. drastic

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