Listen to the recording and try to fill in the missing words from the text without reading the original. A list of the missing words for each paragraph are included should you need some help.



The of the train was for many people the of the progress and technological that was the Industrial Revolution. This new way of would come to so many who beforehand were, by the limitations of a transport where the fastest of propulsion was a horse. The train opened up the country and the world to progress, , communication and the of new ideas.

Not all people were in of, or appreciated, this new form of travel, many it as a noisy, , mechanical threat to the old ways, a threat that would disturb and undermine the and social .

These people, , were to be proved wrong. The train was set to become a mode of transport that had huge for the world.

From the earliest railways, which mostly iron works and collieries to the centres that were the big cities and industrial , the train soon into something that would most people. Products and the population could be at increasing speed and over ever larger and, in so doing, the social, and economic life of the nation.


Paragraph 1


dissemination   prosperity     indeed     galloping   liberate   shackled   form     scheme     innovation     epitome   travel  invention

Paragraph 2


physical     dirty   landscape     regarded     awe   rural

Paragraph 3


however   implication

Paragraph 4


transformed     political     distances     connected     economic     moved   affect metamorphosed     regions

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