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Maintaining a healthy body


Being is a joy and part of that joy is enjoying our bodies and we can do with them.To make the most of these complex machines we need to fitness and health and, first and , use correct fuel. You know what happens if you use a grade of petrol or put instead of petrol in your car, at best it runs at inferior efficiency, at worst it stops .

So to it is with the human body. action in the human body, every that takes place does so of the energy that we have from the food that we have eaten. Food and drink enable us to grow from child to adult and fuel bones, organs and the in us make possible.

So that we can grow and . It is necessary that we ingest certain in our diet in a balanced and way. The fuelling process when our food is and broken down into simpler 'bits' (). Anything left over from the digestive process is and expelled from the body as solids or fluids.

The components of a healthy diet should include the : carbohydrates, fats and proteins. Carbohydrates are down into (or sugar) and are a main energy provider. Fats are stored as extra fuel, just in , and their main job is to new cells to grow and others to be repaired. are digested down into acids and extra fuel, plus they enable growth in cell structure and .

Vitamins also play a in our diet and their job is to enable functioning of the nervous and also strengthen and help bones to . One of the most things that we consume we have not even on yet is water.

Water helps create reactions and is used for transporting other stuff around the's also great when you are !


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