In this exercise you will be presented with a sentence based on the text that contains a missing word. At the end of the sentence you will see a word in italics, which, though not the exact word, will help you to fill the gap. The answer is case sensitive.

1. Small shops are heading towards . extinct

2. The small shopkeeper has been out of business by supermarkets. price

3. Small shops bring a sense of social to the local community. intereact

4. Many years ago people to grow their own food. use

5. After the onset of the Industrial Revolution there was change as people moved from the countryside to towns. consider

6. The new factories a variety of goods. product

7. As populations grew in towns and cities there a need for a variety of different shops. become

8. Grocers, ironmongers and drapers were just a few of the newly businesses. establishment

9. Many of life's could be purchased at a local shop. necessity

10. People were able to find many of the things that they needed without to travel too far. have

11. Many townsfolk regarded their local shop as the heart of the community. beat

12. Customers used the local shop to interact, meet others, gossip and chat about the local news as well for . shop

13. People could use the 'tick' system if they had out of money. ran

14. Back then, times were more in many ways. innocence

15. Large, modern supermarkets have a huge variety of . merchandiser


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