In this exercise you will be presented with a sentence based on the text, which contains a missing word. At the end of the sentence you will see a word in italics that, though not the exact word, will help you fill the gap. All incorrect answers will be highlighted in red. The answers are case sensitive. If you cannot get it right, why not try our Facebook page, where one of our teachers is always ready to help you?


1. The Fauvist style regards as a two dimensional decoration in colour. paint

2. Matisse also the 'monumental and decorative' style characterised by colour and design. embrace

3. As Matisse neared the end of his his health deteriorated and he became confined to bed. live

4. During the phase of his work Matisse became free from the physical aspects of painting. lastly

5. Matisse produced enormous paper cut outs scissors. use

6. The art works using scissors and coloured paper were a celebration of the twin of life and nature. conceptualisation

7. Matisse that using scissors gave him a greater feeling for line than a brush could. feel

8 Towards the end of his life Matisse began to feel more like a . sculpture

9. It was a great loss to the world of art when Matisse in 1954. death

10. Matisse was one of the major artists of his age and a huge legacy of fine art. leave


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